Leverage Co-Branded Collaborations with Chad T. Jenkins

Chad Jenkins, President and CEO of SeedSpark, is motivated by natural curiosity and a passion for creating exponential value through unconventional thinking and collaboration.

We learn about Chad’s journey from serial entrepreneur to the head of SeedSpark, where he helps businesses grow exponentially. Chad explains his Before/After Collaboration Framework, which involves identifying services that create a need for your product and shares his “Just Add a Zero” philosophy, emphasizing the importance of rethinking and maximizing existing resources to achieve exponential growth.

Connect with Chad Jenkins:

Website: https://seedspark.com/ & https://chadtjenkins.com/

Email: chad.jenkins@seedspark.com


LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chadtjenkins/ & https://www.linkedin.com/company/seedspark/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeedSpark/